History Legacy

Most LOVED by GOD, shines be Light and Salt in the WORLD

We are the one, the Children serve God and help dying people, serve everyone in the world to make better world.


Global Leader Partner Burundi (We Bless to Bless Ministry)

God open way, Family Doug, Rosye and Katie from USA support Burundi. We give thanks to God has provided us all, Moise report there are 80 families at camp due to flood disaster, they need help and at same times at Indonesia, God gives service at JKI about clothes, Budi hear about Kingdom Wedding, Revelation 19:8 Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.”(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people)". Thanks to Father God, to Jesus, Moise in Burundi, with His brother also donate sum of money for them, together we impact the world. Give cloth and food for people, children. We praise God, He do wonderful things.


Established "The MBMF Benevolent Trust". Asset management of Budi foundation which consist of equities and investment asset, managed by trustee to increase unrestricted net asset of foundation. Instead we use all fund for grants with God's wisdom, we increase the foundation trust asset to partially reinvest on foundation and partially to support mission so we increase faster and greater than before.


God open way Project Jesus house , build COMMUNITY home for homeless, orphans, disable widow, more at many place.

Jesus House community with GBI and Lamp Post Ministry BTM, there are people dying where homeless people with disabilities blind , lame, needed house , we are the one together with GBI and ministry Tino build the house for homeless, where they dont have bathroom and toilet, also no electricity of light. The community house will support them especially elderly widow who dont have family and disable, blind, lame. Budi foundation learn to make more house and support the ministry Diakonia from GBI. Please contact Timo for support the disable blind elderly, lame, etc. Budi foundation pray and plan to support more building Jesus house in the future, Together we do for Jesus.


God open ways care water tower orphanage and Jesus house community.

Project Water Tower, Together we move forward with IFGF Semarang and GBI ". Project water pump at Pondok Diakonia Bawen . Initiated by Pro-M, Frans, Titus, and Dano. to help 50 orphans and elderly who short of water. Everyday life for bath, drink. We give God thanks to provide them, and Budi foundation join to support the initiatives. All the funds are from Pro-M, Church and charity, all for God's glory, we are His children. The orphanage needed more help to serve children food, education please contact 081326565540 (Pdt Marthen Ngguso).


God open ways to Africa

Start partnering with Burundi (one of the lowest GDP countries). Lift the economic development is one of our focus, Electricity , clean water, school for children. Partnering with Moise who do ministry to children and church, analyze the condition and with new tool invention help the Burundi, so they able become more productive, support children nutrient especially the remote or uncared areas. To support education children and help feed the child please contact Moise whats app +257 79 56 85 45, Burundi Africa.


Ministry together Lamp Post with Breakthrough Ministry JKI

Together with Breakthough Ministry English Service Pst. Jason Avanzini, Maria, we give food to poor and pray to reduce poor and increase prosperity. Budi learn from bible whoever gives food, cloth for them is giving to Jesus and learn to do in secret. Budi Foundation pray we able to give more each days and never stop, if you want to join please message whats app us +62 85865475558.


God open ways to Pakistan

We pray to God and support Finger God Orphanage , Partnering with Ev. Iram, we understand the condition of kids in Pakistan, without good infrastructure especially in remote new colony they need clean water.


Rebuilding The Tomb of Christ at Jerusalem, Church Holy Sepulcher

Together with Custodia Terræ Sanctæ franciscan foundation rebuilding Tomb of Christ Jerusalem. JERUSALEM For the first time in centuries, scientists have exposed the original surface of what is traditionally considered the tomb of Jesus Christ. Located in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem, the tomb has been covered by marble cladding since at least 1555 A.D., and most likely centuries earlier. Greece University scientist and franciscan Catholic, orthodox , armenian with the key holder of place Church of Holy Sepulchre rebuild together with everyone who love God. Budi Foundation support Custodia Terrae Sanctae at the building for God's glory.


God open ways to Indonesia

Establishment of MBMF scholarship program. We pray for Eklesia children , Partnering with Ibu RIna Eklesia, we encourage orphans to have dream and future, Our hope is each one of them become what God and they desire to be, some of children want become wonderful doctor, good judge, right police, successful athlete, businessman to help everyone, musicians, producer. God love and bless them.


Nepal Earthquake Disaster

In 2015 , Nepal has earthquake , partnering with Unicef , Budi Foundation support and praying for them, saving lives is important.


God open ways to Harvard University, USA

Letter from Harvard University, During campaign of presidential endowment fund , MBMB partnered with Harvard University to support Harvard University mission, we also learning about philanthropy and Fund trust management from Harvard University Foundation, in future by God's grace we able to give significant contribution to world philanthropy together with Harvard University.


God open ways to Singapore

Singapore Elderly Lion Homes with ICG City Harvest Church, Budi foundation represented by Budi, join with Church activity cell group ICG 7 and ICG2 to bless Lions Home Elderly at Singapore. Singapore is richest country with good saving system and insurance, most of disable people gather at elderly home, they cared professionally like in home, with friends playing, visiting by family and loving.

Pray 2013 (upgraded 2018)

God open ways to Sekolah Misi Bagi Bangsa Batam

Sekolah Misi Bagi Bangsa Batam, in 2013 ICG 7, the cell group of City Harvest Church initiated by Sophia, Tetty, Liana, Rio, Hanny, Jennifer, Stella, Dina, Markus, Ervina, Jacqueline, Simon, Fanny, and everyone, come to bless children at remote place Batam , who need support for tools and attention. The school condition was very bad, limited room, and shortage of good things. Hence we encourage the children and pray to have big dream, someday all will change. After we finish the event Christmas we prayed and asking God for building, in 2018 all things has built , God send Yayasan Batavia Prosperindo Peduli to build the school. God really answer the prayer, the building is almost collapse that time, with bad condition of roof, some student said it leakage when rain, but now they have all new facilities, thank you to Irena Iskandar , Jeugeline and Everly for the faith, ministry and love to children, God bless abundantly .


God bless Budi Foundation

In 10 October 2010, has 10 years destination life, and Budi founded MBMF Foundation after pray , God give wisdom before build business and holding corporation, build foundation to bless people, as act of philanthropy, charity , Tzedekah. In God righteousness, in Jesus Grace.


Since kids Budi has start the giving since kids, the church, Sunday School mention about the important of giving and share to others. He start with giving tithe as few cents, its Rp 50 in Indonesian currency. Faithful start from little Rp 50 (50cents) increases millions and billions in future. All for God's glory, all from God, and Budi become good steward in God's grace, God good to Budi everyday.